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The Magic Circle of Light - Exclusive YouTube Channel
True Alchemy does not consist in the spectacular transmutation of base metals into gold, but in the spiritual transmutation of man's own matter. Grains of sand are transformed into pearls; summer sees twisted, blackened vine-stocks burst into leaf and bow beneath the weight of their grapes; caterpillars are metamorphosed into butterflies; galvanoplasty transforms a drab piece of base metal into a golden ornament... All these different ways of transforming things are familiar to us but we have never studied them sufficiently closely to realize that they contain the secret of our own inner metamorphosis. If a tree, for instance, is capable of transforming the raw mineral nutrients it draws from the soil into the sugarsap which enables it to produce flowers and fruits, why should man not do likewise ? Why should we not be capable of transforming the raw juices of our instincts and passions so that they produce a rich harvest of flowers and fruit, in the form of vitality in our physical bodies, love and joy in our hearts and understanding and wisdom in our minds ? There exists in Western tradition a mysterious and most secret science known as the Caballah, which sheds a great deal of light on these three words: God, Nature and man. From time immemorial man has been considered to be a miniature replica of the universe. In the ancient temples he was portrayed as the Key which opened the doors of the Palace of the King of the Cosmos, because everything that exists in the universe, be it matter or energy, can be found to a lesser degree in man. This is why the universe is known as the Macrocosmos (the great world) and man as the Microcosmos (the little world). And God is the name of the Sublime Spirit who created both the great and little worlds and who breathes life into them and sustains them in existence.
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