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The Magic Circle of Light - Exclusive YouTube Channel
Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers
A great many people today feel the need for some practical methods that will help them to grow spiritually.A New Erth responds to that need. It contains a number of simple, effective, spiritual exercises taken from the thousands of lectures given by the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov over a period of nearly fifty years. Some concern our everyday life: nutrition, breathing, hygiene, purification, and our relationships with nature and other human beings. Others touch on questions that are more directly spiritual: meditation and prayer, the development of our psychic centres, or chakras, the aura, the body of glory, and so on. All these methods grow out of that immense body of knowledge known as initiatic science, the principal goal of which is the advent of the 'new heaven and the new earth' announced in scripture. In the language of the Initiates, the eternal language of symbols, a new Heaven means a new understanding, a new philosophy. A new Earth means a new attitude, a new comportment on the part of human beings. Man's head and mind are closer to Heaven than his feet, his actions, which take place on Earth. It should therefore be his mind that makes the decisions and tells the feet how to act. The New Earth is the new behaviors that will be the result of changes taking place in the mind (the new philosophy). The methods and exercises you learn here are the New Earth.
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