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The Magic Circle of Light - Exclusive YouTube Channel
Man's Two Natures, Human and Divine
Man is that ambiguous creature placed by evolution on the borderline between the animal kingdom and the Kingdom of God. His nature is twofold and if he is to continue to evolve it is important that he become aware of his inherent ambivalence. If the Scriptures declare, 'Ye are gods', it is in order to remind men that hidden deep within them lies that sublime essence that they have to learn to manifest. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov gives us the methods we need to manifest ourselves as the gods we really are... and of which we are still unaware. One frequently hears people justifying certain faults and failings with the words, "It's only human", but as often as not, what they consider to be 'human' is really animal. So how should we define human nature?
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