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The Magic Circle of Light - Exclusive YouTube Channel
Sons and Daughters of God
Two thousand years ago, the coming of Jesus introduced a new order of things where, for the first time in human history, the values of love, goodness, forgiveness, patience, gentleness, humility and sacrifice were put in first place. And even if Jesus’ words have not yet been either completely understood or practised, it has been enough that certain beings have received this light for it to be transmitted down through the centuries. The love for one’s neighbour which was taught by Jesus and which stems from this truth that humans are sons and daughters of the same Father has allowed the idea of brotherhood to forge a path. Jesus came to teach that human beings should not be diminished or oppressed in the name of laws made by a handful of people who, by reason of a supposed superiority, give themselves the right to dictate the life of others. For Jesus, the only valid law was the law of love.
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